6Dec2015 Armenia Referendum 2015 Sunday, December 6, 2015 Details Summary of the Referendum Election Armenia in 2015Wikipedia article. For you, researchers: Electoral data is available for download and independent analysis. Data report Original data source:CEC of the Republic of ArmeniaURL of the source:res.elections.amData validation file06.12.15n.pdfDataset:Preliminary results at 4-391.xlsxVerification of the dataset with the source:There is no need for verification because official data and the dataset are of a single source.in the Lab Documents to download 06.12.15n(.pdf, 1.05 MB) - 302 download(s) More links Link title Link description Electoral Dossier In the dossier Sergei Shpilkin "Statistical Analysis of Elections" Roman Udot "Referendum in Armenia 2015 in Numbers and Diagrams" Roman Udot "Statistical Analysis of the Results of the Constitutional Referendum in the Republic of Armenia"
DIY Kiesling-Shpilkin diagram Monday, September 25, 2023 DIY Kiesling-Shpilkin diagram Good news for electoral observers, journalists and election investigators. You have a new and long-awaited tool - the interactive Kiesling-Shpilkin diagram. This detailed video lesson will help you understand how to work with this kit, what the advantages of an integrated approach are, how the tools help each other to detect an anomaly, or how the findings of one tool confirm the findings of...
Sunday, September 17, 2023 Armenia, Yerevan, Yerevan City Council 2023 Official name: 2023 Yerevan City Council election Winner/leader: Civil Contract Wikipedia entry: 2023 Yerevan City Council election
Doubting Thomas's Crash Test Monday, November 9, 2020 Doubting Thomas's Crash Test How to win over opponents, convince the wavering, build confidence in supporters? By properly navigating the site!
Russian governors of 2020 already under the microscope Sunday, October 4, 2020 Russian governors of 2020 already under the microscope The data of the gubernatorial elections, kindly provided by Sergei Shpilkin, have been uploaded to the Lab and are ready for independent study. Now you can build your own Governor's Shilo, Respect Fake, Two-humped Governor, and Wall Cloud. But the main thing is to try to find your personal falsification.
New parameters to explore Thursday, October 1, 2020 New parameters to explore But new, non-transparent types of voting in Russia we introduce new parameters for studying elections in the Lab. The "ntransparent vote opens new horizons for your research.
Criticism and bibliography Wednesday, September 16, 2020 Criticism and bibliography The peer-reviewed paper again raises the question about the incorrectness of the statistical analysis. But it is based on a misunderstanding: the authors rightly point out and confirm with numerous examples that the histograms of elections may well be very different from the «Gaussian» even in the absence of falsifications. Probably, they have not seen the works mentioned above and...
Funny story about the Tambov region Monday, September 14, 2020 Funny story about the Tambov region Governor Nikitin's result directly even resembles the cluster of the city of Tambov. One could rejoice, but this result is a draw. The result is a draw.
The real turnout in Kuban was ~25% Monday, September 14, 2020 The real turnout in Kuban was ~25% Kanevskaya, where I spent my childhood, drew the biggest turnout, 97%. And Pavlovskaya - the biggest percentage to Kondratiev, 94%. Crooks.
Review of the ROIPP report "Mathematical Tools for Delegitimizing Elections" Sunday, September 6, 2020 Review of the ROIPP report "Mathematical Tools for Delegitimizing Elections" Yes, something must be done with our society, which «still has some flaws». It is very gullible and therefore prefers Shpilkin to Borisov. But it is necessary to implement a number of measures to remove distrust in the procedures for establishing the results of voting». It is possible, for example, to establish not only a captcha for obtaining these results, but to declare...
Mathematical tools for delegitimizing elections. Report Thursday, September 3, 2020 Mathematical tools for delegitimizing elections. Report 3 сентября 2020 года на сайте Российского общественного института избирательного права (РОИИП) был опубликован доклад "Математические инструменты делегитимации выборов". In it, the authors criticized one of the methods of analysis: unimodality. They concluded that "with existing methods of mathematical analysis it is impossible to describe and make an...