Dossier on the Election in the Lab

Dossier on the election available in the Lab -a collection of election information from our site. All materials where this election is mentioned.

Election Cards

Russia, President 2012

Official title:

Election of the President of the Russian Federation


Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich

Wikipedia article:

Presidential elections in Russia (2012)

Lab Note:

Data loaded in Tools version 1.0 only

For you, researchers:

The data has been uploaded into the Lab .
You can see the elections with your own eyes™.

Краткая сводка:

Russia, State Duma 2011

Official title:

Election of deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation


The All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA"

Wikipedia article:

State Duma elections (2011)

Lab Note:

Elections are available in the First Version Tools (v 1.0)

For you, researchers:

The data has been uploaded into the Lab .
You can see the elections with your own eyes™.

Краткая сводка:


Articles on the Elections
